
Shaping Your Future Self:
It All Starts with Awareness and small steps

28th of August, 2024

Our behaviors are like the bricks that build who we are and who we become. Every action we take, every thought we entertain, shapes the future version of ourselves. But becoming the person we truly want to be begins with a simple yet powerful step: awareness.

Many of our behaviors are driven by automatic habits or mental programming that we've built up over the years. We may not even notice them because they've become such a regular part of our lives. So how do we break free from this auto-pilot mode? The answer lies in asking ourselves the right questions:

1. How do I view myself?
2. How do others view me?
3. What is my desired view of myself, and who do I want to become?

These questions bring clarity, helping us uncover patterns we might not be aware of and identify the gap between who we are now and who we want to be.

Once you gain this self-awareness, it's time to get practical. Consider tracking your daily habits. Write down everything you do in a day, even the small things. This helps you see where your time and energy are going. The good news? You don’t need to change everything all at once. The goal is progress, not perfection. Awareness is the first building block, and with that, you can start making intentional choices to reshape your behaviors.

Now, here's the fun part: Dreaming! Remember how you dreamed when you were a child? What if you allowed yourself to do that again? Imagine your future self, not constrained by limits or doubts. Who is this person? What do you radiate? How do people describe you? How do you look, act, and feel?

Take a moment and truly visualize this version of yourself. Picture how it would feel to be that person. What small step could you take today to start aligning with that future self? It could be as simple as standing up straighter, smiling more, calling a valuable person in your network or making a single decision with that future self in mind.

The strongest driving force toward becoming that person is belief. When you believe in the possibility of becoming who you truly want to evolve into, even tiny steps become transformative. So, the floor is yours. What’s a small step you can take today to get closer to your desired future self?

Everything starts with awareness. From there, belief, small actions, and persistence will carry you forward. Take responsibility for your growth and embrace the power you have to shape your future self—one habit at a time.

👉 If a new job or career is part of this vision of your future self, start collecting recommendations via Lovorda.com from your network straight away. You'll get a beautiful vizualisation of your strengths according to people who worked with you and a list of employers that your network believes is ideal for you. And it helps you become aware of your strengths.

Welcome on this journey of exploration!

Linda Hugod
Employer Relationship Manager

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